Marshall Islands Workshop 28 Feb

Vercina, George, Hertes and Mick recording video

Vercina, George, Hertes and Mick recording a video message for the Arkasas Marshallese / Photo Jessie Boylan

Today four participants from the Marshall Islands joined us – George, Junior, Hertes and Vercina. Although we are all still waiting for the Kazakh participants before beginning the real work, we started today with introductions to learn a little about each, their community and their Hibakusha story. Journalists from the Japanese press interviewed participants, photographed and filmed for media such as Hiroshima TV and the Asahi Shimbun.

After some background information from Bo and Mick about global nuclear testing and bombing and an overview of the aims of the workshop itself, we made an initial foray into interviewing and recording. The students came up with messages to send to the Marshallese community who have settled in Arkansas, to send out greetings and support on March 1st, the anniversary of the Bravo test, Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day.

Marshallese students

Marshallese students recording video at the workshop. / Photo Jessie Boylan

The most joyful part of the day though, was piling into two taxis to the airport to collect the Kazakh participants who had finally been able to enter the Marshall Islands.

Kazakh students arrive

The Kazakh participants arrive at Majuro airport / Photo Jessie Boylan