Place-based Projects

Monte Bello Islands, Maralinga Restricted Area, Emu Field… these are the specific places where nuclear bombs were tested in Australia.

Maralinga the anangu story map

Map from Maralinga the Anangu Story, Yalata & Oak Valley communities & C Mattingley, Allen & Unwin 2009

As the Nuclear Futures program unfolds, we are planning additional projects involving several artforms, in which new works emerge from close to the very sites of nuclear bomb invention and testing – not bomb experiments, but creative art works conveying information and warnings into the deep nuclear future. “Re-telling the story of a place, a story that might be lost” is a strong motivator for these projects, which will be developed with Aboriginal and veterans communities, while seeking to combine these two perspectives. 

Salt Bush

Salt Bush SA / photo Jessie Boylan

Key Partners:  Maralinga Tjarutja Council, Australian Nuclear Veterans Association, British Nuclear Test Veterans Association, Manchester University

Key Artists: Linda Dement (digital artist), Paul Brown (Writer) Jessie Boylan (photographer).