10 years ago
- The 10 Minutes to Midnight showcase presented as part of the 2015 Adelaide Fringe Festival in Balaklava (SA) was rich, dynamic, informative and moving.
Attended by over 350 people (local high school students, the gene[...]
10 years ago
Photomedia artist and social justice activist, Jessie Boylan has been awarded this year’s winner of the 2015 Images of Justice photographic competition (professional category) run by the University’s Adelaide Law Sch[...]
10 years ago
10 Minutes to Midnight is part of the 2015 Adelaide Fringe Festival and will be presented in Mid-North Balaklava, South Australia.
The 10 Minutes to Midnight showcase sits at the c[...]
10 years ago
- Field of View | Sept-Oct 2014 | Courthouse Gallery, Balaklava, SA
How do you photograph something you see every day? How does the landscape around us affect how we experience the world? In this exhibition, participant[...]
10 years ago
Ten Minutes to Midnight
Two nights. Three venues. Six decades of cover-up.
A team of leading Australian artists will bring South Australia’s chilling atomic history to life in a dynamic transmedia event premiering in[...]
11 years ago
- A Community Arts Photography Exhibition
@ Courthouse Gallery, Balaklava (South Australia)
Opening Night: 26th September 2014, 5.30pm
Exhibition runs until 9th November, 2014
The Field of View exhibition presents or[...]
11 years ago
- The group walked up to Avon Hudson's house for an informative morning tea surrounded by his archive.
Afterwards we visited two possible venues for the February showcase – the Balaklava Courthouse Gallery and the T[...]
11 years ago
- Matchbox House B&B where we are staying. The site of immense creativity.
11 years ago
- Ellise, Linda and John flew in to Adelaide and met with Teresa and Luke to record auditions with actors in a basement studio at the uni.
11 years ago
- Smile! Balaklava…click!
June 30th - July 7th, 2014. In the first week of July, 2014, visiting Artist Jessie Boylan and local Photographer Lisa Redpath delivered two free workshops in Balaklava as part of a creative arts[...]
11 years ago
- Playwright John Romeril joined Friends of the Earth's Radioactive Exposure (RAD) Tour in April 2014 as part of his creative research with Nuclear Veteran Avon Hudson. The RAD Tour takes place each year, usually in April,[...]
11 years ago
- Hitting the Archives
Piled high in nuclear veteran Avon Hudson’s living room, there is a campaigner’s treasure trove of letters, media material, detailed reports, books of Royal Commission testimony, medical case notes,[...]